Day 3AD: A Productive Day

Well… The weekend was  v e r y  long.  Finding out on a Friday afternoon that you have cancer is really not the best day.  Most places have very nice message systems in place for receiving calls, and emails that we may have sent most likely weren’t going to get replied to until Monday.  We needed to get my name entered in their systems and my case put in front of the right people… and Saturday isn’t the best day to get that done.  It did however give us a couple days to get on our computers and find all the information we could.  We googled every word and term in my pathology, and did some very thorough research on who and where we needed to be reaching out to.  On Monday morning Monica went to work fast getting in touch with some of the foremost names in Apendiceal Cancers.  Because this kind of cancer is so rare… there are a handful of names and locations that we wanted to get feedback from.  By Monday afternoon we had spoken with 4 different teams who have a great deal of knowledge in Appendix Cancer.  All of them wanted to see copies of the pathology, the surgeons notes who performed my appendectomy and the digital copies of my CT Scan and X-rays.  By 4:00 pm we had packets put together and in the mail to overnight them.  

I will most likely try to post the list of names Monica used to start reaching out.  Someone else who also had appendix cancer had posted it in another website and it was invaluable for us.  I will also try to get a list of some of the websites we found most helpful in learning all we have.  This exceedingly rare cancer is just not well documented and it makes it tough to know who and where to look for answers.